Apple Released Seventh Release Of Safari Technology Preview. Download Now

Apple today released seventh release of its Safari Technology preview for developers. This release contains some new tweaks and fixes for developers. Check out change log below.

What’s new in this release.

Implemented options argument to addEventListener
Updated JSON.stringify to correctly transform numeric array indices
Improved the performance of Encode operations
Addressed issues with Date setters for years outside of 1900-2100
Fixed an issue where reusing a function name as a parameter name threw a syntax error
Added the error argument for window.onerror event handlers
Improved performance for accessing dictionary properties
Updated Proxy.ownKeys to match recent changes to the spec
Prevented RegExp unicode parsing from reading an extra character before failing
Updated SVGs to report their memory cost to the JavaScript garbage collector
Improved the sampling profiler to protect itself against certain forms of sampling bias that arise due to the sampling interval being in sync with some other system process
Fixed global lexical environment variables scope for functions created using the Function constructor
Fixed parsing super when the default parameter is an arrow function
Added support for trailing commas in function parameters and arguments.

Added the unprefixed version of the pseudo element ::placeholder
Fixed a crash when computing the style of a grid with only absolute-positioned children
Fixed computing a grid container’s height by accounting for the horizontal scrollbar
Fixed placing positioned items on the implicit grid
Fixed rendering for the text-decoration-style values: dashed and dotted
Fixed support for using border-radius and backdrop-filter properties together
Fixed clipping for border-radius with different width and height
Fixed CSS reflections for elements with WebGL
Fixed CSS reflections for elements with a backdrop-filter property
Improved the Document’s font selection lifetime in preparation for the CSS Font Loading API
Improved memory management for CSS value parsing
Improved font face rule handling for style change calculations
Fixed multiple selector rule behavior for keyframe animations
Fixed applying CSS variables correctly for writing-mode properties
Added experimental support for spring() based CSS animations
Changed the initial value of background-color to transparent per specs

Web APIs
Changed CanvasRenderingContext2D.createPattern() and CanvasRenderingContext2D.putImageData() to throw the correct exception type and align with the specification
Fixed a number of issues with Web Workers
Web Inspector
Added ⌘T keyboard shortcut to open the New Tab tab
Added the ability to show and hide columns in data grid tables
Fixed an error when trying to delete nodes with children
Added a Top Functions view for Call Trees in the JavaScript & Events timeline
Added gaps to the overview and category graphs in the Memory timeline where discontinuities exist in the recording
Improved the performance of DOM tree views
Fixed filtering to apply to new records added to the data grid
Improved snapshot comparisons to always compare the later snapshot to the earlier snapshot no matter what order they were selected
Improved performance when processing many DOM.attributeModified messages
Fixed the 60fps guideline for the Rendering Frames timeline when switching timeline modes
Included the exception stack when showing internal errors in Web Inspector
Added ⌘P keyboard shortcut for quick open
Removed Text → Content subsection from the Visual Styles Sidebar when not necessary
Fixed elements in the Elements tab losing focus when selected by the up or down key
Enabled combining diacritic marks in input fields in Web Inspector Enabled combining diacritic marks in input fields in Web Inspector
Prevented double-painting the outline of a replaced video element
Properly prevented for video.src=”file” with audio user gesture restrictions in place
Prevented showing the caption menu if the video has no selectable text or audio tracks
Improved performance of HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType that was accounting for 250–750ms first loading
Fixed inline media controls to show PiP and fullscreen buttons.

Fixed a repaint issue with vertical text in an out-of-flow container
Show text in a placeholder font while downloading the specified font
Fixed rendering an SVG in the correct vertical position when no vertical padding is applied, and in the correct horizontal position when no horizontal padding is applied
Fixed blending of inline SVG elements with transparency layers
Fixed display of hairline borders on 3x displays
Prevented flickering and rendering artifacts when resizing the web view
Fixed logic to trigger new layout after changing canvas height immediately after page load.

Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where Find on Page would show too many matches
Exposed static text if form label text only contains static text
Added Origin header for CORS requests on preloaded cross-origin resources
Added support for the upgrade-insecure-requests (UIR) directive of Content Security Policy
Added proper element focus and caret destination for keyboard users activating a fragment URL
Increased disk cache capacity when there is lots of free space
Prevented hangs during synchronous XHR requests if a network session doesn’t exist
Fixed the response for a POST request on a blob resource to return a “network error” instead of HTTP 500 response
Restricted HTTP/0.9 responses to default ports and cancelled HTTP/0.9 resource loads if the document was loaded with another HTTP protocol
Fixed parsing URLs containing tabs or newlines
Fixed cookie validation in private browsing
Provided memory cache support for the Vary header

If you’re interested you can download this latest release from this link.

This post was last modified on June 23, 2016 12:22 am

MCCShreyas: Shreyas is considered to be an expert on Windows 10 and helps others with innovative solutions. He likes to cover Microsoft’s services and apps for iOS and Android. He is a Windows 10 App developer and officially recognized Microsoft Community Contributor (MCC). He has been covering Tech and Gadget news on other well-known Tech sites WinCentral and Nokiapoweruser for long. He has more than 4 years of tech authoring experience. Write to him at Email:
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