Geekbench screenshot shows 1 GB RAM, 1.39 GHz processor speed & 8756 mAH battery in #iPad Air.

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While Apple dosen’t reveal these details officially, geeks take help of many methods to find them out. So, last we reported that a customer rep has confirmed 1 GB RAM for iPad Air. Now, this gets confirmed by above screenshot from “Geekbench“. More information is revealed from this screenshot and the Geekbench test, according to which, iPad Air has,


1.39 GHz processor speed

and reduced 8756 mAH Battery as compared to iPad 4.

Anyways apart from the reduced battery juice nothing is too surprising!!

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NM: NM has more than 10 years of experience of covering Technology and innovations. He loves to review new cool gadgets and writing about Android, Gadgets and general Technology stuff. Other interests include listening to Nu-Metal Hits and Kick-Boxing. Write to him at Email:
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