#Lumia 1020 vs #iPhone 5S vs #Samsung Galaxy S4: Loudspeaker & Display quality comparison

Display and Loudspeaker quality of three flagship devices, Lumia 1020, Samsung Galaxy S4 and iPhone 5S ahve been compared by YouTube Channel “HelperSyndrom“. While, loudspeaker wise Lumia 1020 is declared as reviewer’s personal winner, display wise he prefers SGS4 and cites bigger “Full HDdisplay of SGS4 as the reason. iPhone 5S display looks bland in comparison of the two. Loudspeaker wise Lumia 1020 is loudest indeed.

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NM: NM has more than 10 years of experience of covering Technology and innovations. He loves to review new cool gadgets and writing about Android, Gadgets and general Technology stuff. Other interests include listening to Nu-Metal Hits and Kick-Boxing. Write to him at Email: Contact@Ndroidnews.com
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