Lybrate Bot on Facebook Messenger allows consulting Doctors online

Facebook Messenger has got its first Bot “Lybrate” that allows users to consult doctors online. Facebook has introduced Chatbots to developers last month and Lybrate is the first to take advantage of this feature.

The Bot appears like ay other contact in the list of contacts. It allows users to seek opinion of experts on queries related to health and wellbeing. Users can add the bot for free by logging on to their Messenger account and then click on

Chatbots are really hot technology area nowadays and companies like Microsoft, Facebook and others are pursuing them aggressively with Microsoft making many Bots related announcements during Build 2016.

This post was last modified on May 2, 2016 11:30 pm

NM: NM has more than 10 years of experience of covering Technology and innovations. He loves to review new cool gadgets and writing about Android, Gadgets and general Technology stuff. Other interests include listening to Nu-Metal Hits and Kick-Boxing. Write to him at Email:
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