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Freedom 251 Not anymore on Homepage! Only a Promotional Strategy for Ringing Bells


Freedom 251 No more on Homepage of Ringing bells and then only 5000 units in first lot when every Indian have thought of buying it, is enough to suggest the way, it was handled by Ringing bells- a Perfect Market strategy with enough shout but no substance. Shocked whole world with its cheapest smartphone for $4 (Freedom 251 for Rs 251) looks like promotion strategy for Ringing Bells although the Company is going to deliver its 5000 smartphones to its lucky customers from July 8, followed by a second batch with a similar number of units.

This is a far less from the 2 lakh units of Freedom 251 the company claimed it will deliver. And all indications are that Ringing Bells has shifted focus to other phones now. The home Page of Ringing Bells has no mention of its Frreedom 251 phone instead shows Four feature Phones. Ringing bells HIT priced at Rs 699, Ringing KING priced at Rs 899, Ringing Bells BOSS priced at Rs 999, Ringinging RAJA priced at Rs 1099. Two Smartphones
Ringing ELEGANT priced at Rs 3999 and Ringing ELEGANCE priced at Rs 4499. including Three Powerbanks RB Power(4000 mAh)at ₹ 399,RB Power Plus(5500 mAh)at ₹ 499 and RB Smart(8000 mAh)at ₹ 699.


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